After delivering a handful of praises for Andre August weeks ago, Jake Paul is now insulting the unfamous professional boxer.
Paul made a warm welcome of August during the early days of the announcement of their bout, noting how the boxer has much more experience and wins than him. As the YouTuber stressed at that time, despite not being widely known to many, August is a professional boxer who will help him cement his plan to become a serious fighter in the industry. Well, those praises didn’t last long, as Paul is now back with insults for August.
“I doubt he’s even going to land a punch,” Paul said. “That’s really what it is. Sloppy feet, all that. … I’m going to just dust him up real quick and you’re going to see who the better boxer is.
“I’m going to pick him apart and show the world I’m the better boxer at the end of the day. And look for that knockout. It’s been too long without a knockout, so I’m going to try to deliver that for the fans at home.”
August is not letting any of Paul’s words get into his head. As the boxer shared in his few words, he’s all about actions.
“I’m going to leave all that talking for the women,” August replied, talking about Shadasia Green and Franchon Crews-Dezurn in the event. “I appreciate you for having me here, man,” August added, “At the same time, I don’t have time for all that talking.”
August has a 10-1-1, 5 knockouts record. Nonetheless, despite winning five straight fights, the little-known 35-year-old boxer took a hiatus of nearly four years. His most recent bout success was against Brandon Martin in August. Despite this record, some doubt why Paul picked August as his next opponent, which is unusual compared to his earlier bouts with former MMA fighters and influencers. According to commentator Sergio Mora, the boxer was picked for being a “paper fighter.”
“Seems like another Tommy Fury type opponent, who [Paul] lost a SD to,” Mora told The Los Angeles Times through a text message last month. “But yes, this man is technically a pro boxer and I will have to give [Paul] his credit.”
“I’ll tell you what, I give credit to Paul and the team that he surrounds himself with — because it’s so damn HARD to comb the nation to find opponents like this August guy that looks good on paper, but is a ‘paper fighter.’ … He looks every part the fighter, but look into the numbers and you’ll see he hasn’t fought in 4 yrs and has fought nothing but ‘non winners.’”