
TMZ had an eye witness account of the meeting between Nate Diaz, Dana White and Lorenzo Fertitta, and it sounds like it went very badly indeed:

“Nate and a couple of suits were all friendly as they chowed down, but the talk got serious and ended abruptly when Dana was visibly angry, stood up and beelined it for his SUV.”
“Unclear what torpedoed the meeting, but we’ve covered this stuff long enough to know it usually involves money. We know Conor was poised to score a $10 mil payday for a rematch. We don’t know what Nate wants.”

Unlike his recent meeting with Conor McGregor, to which Dana White posted a simple ‘smiley face’ to Twitter, the UFC president became furious when he read what certain sites were reporting about his sit down with Nate Diaz:

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