First Floyd Mayweather, and now a fellow MMA fighter is saying Conor McGregor is only popular because of racism. This is turning in to a controversial argument…
If only we could all get along, the world would be a much better place. You have to admit though, the world of mixed martial arts or combat sports would be pretty dull if everybody made friends and huddled around the camp fire together.
But still, there has to be a line drawn anywhere in life where you say ‘enough is enough.’ Most recently, at least in MMA, that line has been crossed far too many times, and the subject of all this controversy? Racism.
Floyd Mayweather, former boxing great who retired last year, started the whole debate with some highly controversial comments recently. He stated that UFC featherweight champion Conor McGregor was only popular due to racism.
McGregor responded by saying his Irish heritage made him more than familiar with prejudice, and also challenged the boxing legend to a fight. So then it all died down for a while, until today at least.
The subject of today’s article is perhaps even more controversial, as it’s not the outspoken ‘Money’ who is making the racism accusations, but a fellow MMA fighter.