Well, this is perhaps the weirdest story of the week. The ‘celebrity bodybuilder’ who trolled Cody Garbrandt and Conor McGregor is now apparently deceased, read the updates here…
Matthew Kline Kader was rapidly getting a reputation as one of the biggest trolls in MMA. Back in June, Kader became known among MMA fans for his ruthless trolling of Cody Garbrandt.
Kader claimed he was going to show up to the former UFC bantamweight champ’s gym for a street fight. Garbrandt was more than accommodating to the challenge, and the two arranged a date and time, June 25.
Garbrandt stayed for hours at the Team Alpha Male baser in Sacramento, CA, waiting for Kader. It wasn’t until ‘No Love’ left the area that Kader showed up. No doubt simply searching to sponge off Garbrandt’s name, Kader eventually did little more than talk sh*t.
Talking is what Kader is now becoming renowned for. Bodybuilding by day, and smack talking by day and night, he would later take aim at Conor McGregor.
While claiming he was going to knock Conor McGregor out, Kader continued to push his ‘Rock Hard Body’ products on social media. This led to many speculating Kader’s behaviour was nothing more than a ploy to generate sales.
His latest social media activity has everyone talking, though. According to his Twitter account, Kader is dead, but it goes deeper than just the following announcement of his passing:
Then came the ‘gofundme’ page for the Kader memorial fund. It was literally hilarious, full of plugs for his bodybuilding products and led to obvious questions about the legitimacy of his death.
Further Tweets from his account disputed the gofundme page as fake, again leading to speculation as to whether MMA’s biggest troll was still alive or not:
Troll or Not?
Considering his long history of basically doing anything to get money, it wouldn’t be surprising to hear Kader is actually still alive.
We are not looking for monetary donations but we welcome your condolences as we will share it with the entire Kader family. Again, thank you for the support. I will try my best to keep MKK legacy alive as he would have wanted. – Dylan (behalf of the Kader estate)
Some are saying the recent comments are simply Kader trying to avoid legal action. Apparently faking your own death for monetary gains is frowned upon in court. If it is true, let’s remember Kader’s proudest moment; when he beat up McGregor’s biggest fan, who was clearly a beast:

This Irish McGregor fan boy got the same treatment that his hero got from Mayweather on Saturday night. Conor, here’s some footage for you and your coaches to study. Study it all you want but it won’t change the power of my right hand. On December 9th if your coward ass wants me at a certain weight then just say it and I’ll cut to 155 NO PROBLEM! You can come in at 170 if you want! Cause I know that’s how you UFC guys like to do it. But I don’t give a FUCK about those coward entertainment rules.
Look what that small little man Floyd Mayweather did to you! Imagine what I will do to you when I connect on your chin!!! After what happened to you on Saturday I do feel a little sorry for you and I don’t wanna ruin your career anymore then Floyd has. So If you apologize for using the word juice head then I’ll let you off the hook if not then December 9th I’m gonna drag you to Croke Park and give you the worst beating of your life. #LightsOut the #RealWorldChampion is coming ???????? #Undefeated