The United States Armed Forces is made up of around 1.3 million active personnel. The need to train these soldiers or marines in hand-to-hand combat is very real. Most recently the US Army adopted the Modern Army Combative system (MAC).
US Army Field Manual 3-25. 150 tells you all you need to know about unarmed combat. The term also includes use of some hand held weapons such as batons, canes and knives. Hand-to-hand combat is widely regarded as very difficult to master.
Mixed Martial Arts in the Army
Following the global popularisation of mixed martial arts, the armed forces have begun integrating this in to their combat training. It seems like a great fit when you consider the proven effectiveness of MMA in the real world.
It’s not a ‘no touch’ martial art that will get you killed in real life. If anything a trained MMArtist is more likely to kill his opponent. Which is more lethal though? Army MAC or MMA as you’d see in the UFC?
MMA vs. Army Combat
A great video recently emerged that puts this question to the absolute test. Although Armed forces personnel are quite literally trained to kill, many believe MMA to be a superior form of combat.
When a UFC champion stopped by to train some troops, one soldier pushed it a little too far…