Ken Shamrock vs Dan Severn 2

Ask any longtime UFC fan what the worst fight in history is, they will tell you it’s Ken Shamrock vs Dan Severn II.

In the very early days of the UFC, there was this common misconception that MMA was nothing more than two skinheads inside a cage going at it with no technique or style or whatever and beat each other up until one of them gives up or dies. It’s a misconception that plagued MMA for years.

Today, MMA is known as a well-regulated sport, with a clean and fair ruleset that allows for some good competition. But back in the day, it was extremely easy to fool the general public because not many had any real knowledge of the sport.

To make a long story short, Shamrock and Severn were supposed to fight without punching each other because Senator John McCain, who historically had a deep interest in making sure MMA would never be legalized anywhere, nearly stopped the UFC from holding the fight.

So the two guys basically went in the cage to show that MMA wasn’t all that violent by not hitting each other.

Legendary referee “Big” John McCarthy wrote an autobiography called “Let’s Get It On”. In the book, McCarthy asked former UFC owner Bob Meyrowitz how he planned to hold a fight with two guys who weren’t allowed to punch each other.

The script read:

“I didn’t say there wasn’t going to be any punching,” Meyrowitz coolly answered. “I just said I’d make it illegal. When they punch, you’re going to tell them, ‘That’s illegal.’ And you’re going to have to fine them eventually. When they have to pay that fine, only God knows.”

There was no record of either fighter ever paying any fine.

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  1. Coleman got caught in a heel hook and it’s painful but I didn’t see any frantic wwe type faking and fyi when your in a guys guard and you can’t reach his face you hit the guy anywhere you can and the thigh is a good spot and it’s still done today……..dumb

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