Don Frye vs Mark Hall

It’s hard to imagine Don Frye in a fixed fight. The ultimate man’s man is one of the toughest dudes in all of humanity. The epic mustache itself serves as proof. But Frye isn’t without controversy. In his bout against Mark Hall at Ultimate Ultimate 1996, Frye got caught up in some shady dealings.

Hall had already lost to Frye twice previously, and was probably going to lose once more for a third time. Robert Depersia, Frye’s manager, allegedly plotted for Hall to throw the fight anyway, which Hall said he agreed to.

As a result, Frye needed barely 20 seconds to tap Hall out with an Achilles Lock. Pretty neat huh? Turns out Frye needed all the energy he could get because he got the crap beat out of him by Tank Abbott in the final. Although Frye ended up beating Abbott eventually, who knows what kind of shape he would have been in had Hall “put up more of a fight”.

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  1. Coleman got caught in a heel hook and it’s painful but I didn’t see any frantic wwe type faking and fyi when your in a guys guard and you can’t reach his face you hit the guy anywhere you can and the thigh is a good spot and it’s still done today……..dumb

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