You know you messed up when you wake up covered in your own pee, outside the train…
There’s something about public transport that makes people lose their minds. Maybe it’s being enclosed in a small space, perhaps it’s the crowds that get people agitated, or perhaps these people are just crazy wherever they are.
Today we’ll take a look at what happens when Grandpa has heard enough. The video that’s getting tons of views right now features a drunken young man who pushes his luck and pays a heavy price.
Young guys will try their luck now days, and a lot of the time they get away with it. When you add alcohol in to a mix of already small numbers of brain cells and absurd levels of testosterone, you usually get a slurring ape, such as the subject of today’s article.
The story comes out of Chicago, and goes like this; a young drunken man verbally abuses an older gentlemen with racial slurs until the victim can’t take it any more…