There is nothing funnier than someone pretending to be a martial artist and then getting beaten up. No, I’m not talking about the CM Punk vs. Mickey Gall bout, but rather the numerous pseudo-martial artists around the world who have had their lies exposed.

YouTube video

Amazing isn’t it? That guy is walking around doing that to students in a room full of people. Nobody is grabbing the guy and studying him for science? What magical powers does this guy have that has somehow passed by every other human being on the planet?

Not all fake martial artists create the impression they have magical powers however, some of them just pretend to be blackbelts in disciplines they’ve never studied. Luckily, those people often get exposed online.

This article focuses on 5 frauds who have had their lies exposed.

5. Scottish Martial Arts “Master” Can’t Break Board

This guy only escapes making the top of this list by at least being reasonable in his boasts. In actuality it doesn’t take much to break a board. You don’t have to be particularly strong, you just have to hit the board at the right angle. This guy however, couldn’t find the right angle.

That wouldn’t be so bad except he really keeps going with it. Nobody would have said much if he just quietly said his arthritis was acting up or something and stopped, but this guy was determined. He was so determined that he kicked the block out of his assistant’s hands and it flew off and hit some little girl in the head.

After getting hit in the head, the girl starts to cry and runs away from the rather incompetent martial artist. I’d like to tell you that she was OK, but I don’t know that. She might have been really hurt for all anyone knows. Way to go guy.

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Ian is a MMA writer based out of Toronto, ON Canada. An avid mixed martial arts enthusiast and passionate fan since he was born, Ian has been writing about mixed martial arts for over 5 years.


  1. I’m always blown away by this. I’ve got 20 years of martial arts training and do you know what I always say when I walk into a school? Treat me like a white belt. Seriously… any time you walk into a school where you want to learn, start from the bottom, and never assume you know a lot. A lot of these guys would have saved themselves some serious embarrassment by simply telling the truth and humbling themselves.

    And as for Kiai mastery… it’s a myth, guys. Anyone claiming they can control someone completely using only ‘energy’ is depending on the other person as an accomplice. It’s kinda ridiculous that people even claim it works, let alone pitting themselves against professional fighters to prove it.

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