Of all the the ridiculous mistakes and misspellings by Reebok so far, how they described this UFC champion is just stupid and confusing…
For those of you that haven’t been following the controversial UFC Reebok deal, here’s a brief rundown in how the landmark partnership has gone so far. After delaying the details behind the proposed pay structure of the Reebok partnership last year, things started to smell a bit fishy.
Eventually the pay structure information as released, and it included a tenure based reward system that favored champions and long serving fighters, but not the rest of the divisions. With pay starting at $2,500 per fight for newer athletes, the deal would lead to fighters literally losing up to $100K in sponsorship moneys.
As if the news of the stringent fight week ‘Reebok only’ clause, and the loss in pay weren’t bad enough, the ‘big’ reveal of the kit went down like a barrel of crap this past Summer. Fighters looked more like Millhouse from the Simpsons cartoon, and the spelling mistakes got going early on.
Even misspelling the word ‘flexibility’ during the Reebok reveal, the sports apparel giant was making the UFC look amateur, at best, and they were only just getting started.
A stream of wrongly printed, mislabelled and outright offensive tee shirts and Jerseys were released, leading fans to believe there was some sort of joke they weren’t aware of.
Skip to page 2 to see more of the ridiculous mistakes, and the latest and most offensive slur by far….