8. Mark Hunt Upset at UFC over Brock Lesnar
Mark Hunt has been a professional fighter for 17 years. Evidently he is just finding out now that most of his opponents have been on steroids.
Hunt’s last two opponents, Frank Mir and Brock Lesnar, both failed USADA drug tests after their fight with Hunt, so rightfully Hunt, who has never failed a drug test for PEDs, was upset. The degree to which he has gotten upset however, has been hilarious.
Hunt started by stating he wanted to be reimbursed half of Lesnar’s purse, then he wanted all of Lesnar’s purse, and finally he wanted to start a fighters union (which oddly enough might come to fruition without Hunt’s involvement).
What is puzzling to many is how Hunt, who also competed in Pride, is just now realizing his opponents were juiced up. Mark, they’ve always been juicing, its just now your opponents are starting to get caught.