Mixed Martial Arts has evolved into a fast-paced legitimate sport, transforming itself from the early days, when it was considered more of a blood sport. An example of this was when Travis Fulton, a decorated fighter of 65 fights took on Jeremy Bullock, a taekwondo trainer in his MMA debut, in 1998.
As if the pair weren’t mismatched enough Fulton weighed over 200lbs for the fight, while Bullock came in at a mere 170lbs. No Athletic Commission would dream of giving this fight the green light today but the sport was more of a spectacle in those days. Fulton has gone on to compete in 315 fights in total, holding a record of 253-51-10, 1 no contest.
Jeremy Bullock, retired from fighting after this, his sole fight. He went back to training taekwondo after taking time off because of the horrific injury suffered at the hands of Fulton.
Click below to watch possibly the biggest mismatch in MMA history.