2.Edmond Tarverdyan is Ronda’s Coach
Rousey has achieved everything in her career in spite of what many believe is a lacklustre coaching team behind her. Edmond Tarverdyan has become something of a joke in some circles, and is often where blame is placed for Ronda losing to Holm.
Ronda’s mother has even been critical of Tarverdyan, openly stating that she feels Ronda needs to fire him. He recently filed for bankruptcy as well, citing almost $700,000 in debts. Somehow Edmond was not able to turn being Ronda Rousey’s coach into something profitable.
Many claim that Edmond failed to prepare Ronda for Holly’s striking. Ronda charged straight at a high level boxer, and paid for it. Edmond Tarverdyan shares in the blame for that.