
YouTube video

Rogan: Look how smooth his body looks.
Producer 1: Yeah, he looks good, huh Joe?
Rogan: No, he looks soft.
Producer 1: Oh he does?
Rogan: Yeah, he looks soft.
Producer 2: I agree Joe, I agree.
Producer 1: Around the middle you’re saying?
Producer 2: Yep, yep, he looks soft.
Rogan: He looks deflated.
Producer 2: He looks soft, actually. You’re right.
Rogan: He looks way different. But it could be that he’s done a lot of cardio. Don’t want to jump to conclusions. (producers talking about technical shit here, losing signal etc)
Producer 1: Who do you like Joe?
Rogan: Right now? I think I like Conor.
Producer 1: Same here.
Rogan: Aldo looks nervous as fuck too.

Uh-oh, does anyone else smell trouble because of these comments? It’s clear that Rogan was insinuating that Aldo had possibly come off the steroids, and that his slightly watery physique was an indicator of that.

There is also the possibility that Aldo was simply not at 100% health, or even that he didn’t have a great camp due to perhaps motivation, or maybe McGregor was inside his head?


McGregor is now here to stay, but how is he feeling after such an amzaing and one sided victory?

Skip to page 3 for Conor McGregor’s message to Jose Aldo after he knocked ‘Scarface’ out….

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